WiFi, Private Wireless, and the Connectivity Needs of the Enterprise

  • Región: Global
  • Categoría: Enterprise Networks, Wi-Fi, Private Wireless
  • Idioma: Español

Wi-Fi has had a great run, serving enterprise customers. But soon, Wi-Fi may have to compete with LTE or 5G private wireless networks running on CBRS spectrum. Advocates of private wireless say those networks are more secure and provide more control for the enterprise than Wi-Fi. What are the pros and cons of each technology? Will they be competitors or complimentary to each other? Are there specific use cases where Wi-Fi or private wireless is the better choice? Which infrastructure will be more expensive: Wi-Fi or private wireless? Is there an adequate ecosystem, yet, for CBRS chipsets, radios, core software and devices to compete against the existing Wi-Fi ecosystem?

Presentador del Webinar

Rajesh Pazhyannur VP of Technology CommScope

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